
Mark is unavailable, but you can change that!

Mark is at the center of a scholarly debate about the nature of the Gospels and their relationship to one another. The history of Markan scholarship offers a privileged overview of basic issues in the study of the Gospels as a whole. Studying the gospel of Mark this way also provides an orientation to introductory questions of authorship, provenance, and purpose. This commentary provides deep...

Verse 13 concludes the argument by recapitulating Jesus’ charge against the Pharisees stated in vv. 8 and 9: they have abandoned the word of God by holding to their traditions. The charge is deeply ironic because the traditions were developed to ensure that the faithful would not inadvertently or unknowingly violate God’s commands. The note that Jesus called the crowd to him (v. 14) signals a transition to a related but broader issue. He calls the crowd to “hear” and “understand”—actions that mark
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